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History at Stockton Heath Primary School

Grace Wilding

Subject Leader: Miss Wilding

At Stockton Heath Primary School, our history curriculum intends to provide children with relevant and engaging experiences so that they develop into confident, responsible, resilient citizens. We aim to help the children to love the subject and become curious individuals with the help of enquiry and knowledge-based lessons. We aim to provide children with a rich ‘cultural capital’ whereby they have the background knowledge of the world and their local area, which is required in order to infer meaning from history: this includes a rich and varied vocabulary that helps children communicate in a mature and sophisticated manner as historians. Coverage within the curriculum allows children to learn and build on chronological knowledge, enquiry skills and understanding of local and global events.


Please find below the Subject on a Page document and our Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement.

Progression in History

We have developed a bespoke history curriculum so that children have a broad, balanced and fun experience of history learning at Stockton Heath. Below is the school progression document from EYFS - Y6, which incorporates key concepts, vocabulary, disciplinary and substantive knowledge.

Knowledge Organisers

Class teachers have developed Knowledge Organisers for each of their history units. These help us to address children's prior learning, vocabulary, core knowledge and key concepts for each of our history learning throughout school. 

We hope you find them useful to support any work, discussion or research outside of school!

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